Since This. dropped its Kindle price to .99 cents, sales have jumped and continued to climb. It also got added to Nook for readers with that device. In fact, last month was one of our best months for vampire books sales and less than half way through this month, we're already on track to more than double that record!
So even though the famous Twilight books and movies are finished (as far as we know), vampire popularity continues to live on. Have you ever wondered why? We can think of a few possibilities.
First, vampires have powers. When you read about characters with super powers, you identify with them. It makes you feel powerful.
Even more insightful is pointing out that you ARE powerful!! More powerful than anyone has ever told you! More powerful than you have allowed yourself to believe. Identifying with vampires gives you a small taste of how it feels to REALLY BE YOU, and, naturally, that feels pretty darn good.
Next, vampire books tend to have action, tension, and romance. Who doesn't like that? I mean, why would anyone choose to read about boredom, pointlessness, and loneliness? How depressing.
Finally, some people like the gore. Luckily, not all vampire books are gory, because many readers don't like that part so much. Yeah, there's bound to be a little, but what's the attraction? Maybe you know and can share - leave a comment below if you please.
In short, vampire books seem to be here for the long haul. If you've been bitten, then you know what I mean. Perhaps they'll outlive the rest of us.